Rose's Restaurant and Catering is a restaurant in Ljósáir. Open…
The church of Rituvík
The woodmade church is located close to the shore of Rituvík and is one out of eight churches designed by H. C. W. Tórgarð in the Faroe Islands. The old church bell is a ship’s bell from a Portuguese schooner, that sank in Greenland. It was established in 1955.
The chairman of the vestry
Helgi Olsen
Adress: Varðagøta 18, 640 Rituvík
Contact: Tel: 44 82 90 & 74 82 90
Opening hours
Open by arrangement. Contact, Helgi Olsen – 44 82 90 & 74 82 90.
Church attendance
Sundays at 11am